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Bujinkan Buyu Dojo



With Jack Hoban & Special Guest
Dale Seago

Bujinkan Buyu Dojo


Saturday, December 16, 2000
11 am-5 pm
Wesley Hall
Mercer & 4th Avenue
Spring Lake, NJ


  • Koto Ryu Koppojutsu
  • Gikan Ryu Koppojutsu
  • Gyokushin Ryu Koppojutsu
  • Teppan
  • Ninja-to

Cost: $75.00 at the door

Snow Bujin


Directions: Take the Garden State Parkway either north or south (depending, of course, on the direction from which you are coming) to exit 98. Go east on Rte. 138 to end. Take Rte. 35 south to third light (Amoco Station on Corner).  Turn left on Warren Avenue.  Go through the light on Rte. 71 and over the Railroad tracks. Go through the stop sign and continue to 4th Ave.  Turn right on 4the Avenue.  Wesley Hall is on the corner of 4th and Mercer Avenue.

By train from Penn Station in Newark: Take the New Jersey Coastline train to Spring Lake. From the train station, walk east on Warren Avenue. Go through the stop sign and continue to 4th Ave.  Turn right on 4th Avenue.  Wesley Hall is on the corner of 4th and Mercer Avenue.

Map is here!

Call Raquel at 908-479-4681 for more info.

About the instructors:

Dale Seago is a 10th degree black belt in Bujinkan Budo taijutsu and founder/chief instructor of the Bujinkan Dojo in San Francisco.  Dale is a former US Marine, as well as a Army Military Intelligence Officer.  He currently is the Security Manager for the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art.  Dale attended the University of California, Santa Barbara and holds  both a B.A. and M.A. of Political Science.

Jack & Dale

Jack Hoban is a former active duty U.S. Marine Corps Captain and long time practitioner of martial arts. He is Shidoshi Senior Instructor in the Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu and Togakure Ryu Ninjutsu systems under Grand Master Masaaki Hatsumi in Japan and has authored three books on warriorship. He is a member of the USMC Close Combat Review Board.  Mr. Hoban also holds an MBA and is an executive in the healthcare industry.

This seminar series is designed as an ongoing instructor workshop. However, classes are held in a non-competitive atmosphere. You do not have to be an instructor to attend; beginners and students are welcome, too.

For More Info Contact:

WIN, PO Box 30338, Stockton, CA 95213



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